Links, Submissions, & One
Last Sales Pitch
today's challenging economy, many small &
medium sized businesses have had to cut back.
Yet, the work still needs to be done, projects
still need to be completed, in order for the
business to survive, grow and thrive. When
you contract a job to a company like Creative
Solutions, you need only pay for the job itself.
No benefits, no payroll taxes, no high fees.
This allows you to focus your payroll budget
where you need it most: the daily in's and
out's of your business, and serving your
customer's needs.
Do you know someone's who's life
exemplifies creative solutions? Tell us about them! We'd love to feature
them on our web page.
What's your favorite creative
solution? Let us know, and we may feature
it on our website. It's your chance for a
moment of almost perceptible fame!
For a more in-depth look at my qualifications,
click here.
Do you have a website, or know of
one, that is about creating solutions?
We'd like to feature it on our website.
Send me an email with
the site's address, and I'll take a look.
If we agree, we'll add it to our links page.
01/26/02 |